7 Days of Rest and Sacred Renewal

From 1 – 7 January each year, a global event takes place called 7 Days of Rest. This year, under the theme of Sacred Renewal, we spoke to seven of our members and friends of interfaith, and asked them to share with us their secrets to sacred renewal, intention setting and deepening understanding of what this time of year symbolises.
You can watch our videos here to learn more about the perspectives on faith and practices of our diverse members. We spoke to

1: Cecil Plaatjies, Nichiren Buddhist (Rebirthing)

2. Rev Laurie Gaum, Queer Activist (Nourishing)

3. Bishop Yvette Moses, Methodist Church (Cultivating)

4. Rev/Ven Nima Taylor, Unitarian (Communing)

5. Bishop Thembekile Gqwaka,United Methodist and African Traditional (Sharing)

6. Rabbi Emma Gottlieb, Temple Israel Progressive Jewish Community (Valuing)

7. Imam Salieg Isaacs, Kalksteenfontein Masjied (Celebrating)