CTII Chairperson, Rev. Berry Behr, recently spoke at a Critical Dialogue panel discussion convened by Cornerstone Institute, on Religion, Spirituality and Social Justice – considerations towards ethical leadership. Berry spoke in her role as SA Coordinator for the Charter for Compassion, highlighting the need for compassion in our society.
Her contribution to the panel was captured in an article in the Cape Argus. You can read the full article here: https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/opinion/time-for-city-of-cape-town-to-own-its-position-as-a-city-of-compassion-30062055
Speaking to the emergence of a new kind of spiritual leadership, Berry shared…
We are recognising leaders who refuse to separate their politics from their spiritual beliefs because to do so would compromise their integrity, authenticity and intention. These three facets of leadership are critical in our response to a call for deepening leadership skills at every level. Young leaders need to be coached in a new style of leadership that allows heart and mind to work together – dictatorial, top-down, old- style leadership is not the way of the future so why are we still teaching it?
What we say and what we do should be informed at the deepest level by intention aligned with the greater good, inclusive of diversity in all its forms. For humans that means gender, race, age, economic and educational status, politics and of course, religion. We need to celebrate our diversity and recognise it as our superpower. In our differences, we are a beautiful, creative garden, different flowers blossoming abundantly under the courageous and unprejudiced sun, sharing the same soil, drinking the same rain.