CTII Annual General Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative will be held on 6th May 2015 in the Undercroft of St.Mark’s Church, Zonnebloem at 18h00. You are warmly invited to attend.


  • Welcome and apologies
  • Adoption of minutes of Annual General Meeting May 2014
  • Matters arising
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Financial Report and adoption of annual financial accounts
  • Appointment of Auditors
  • Election of Council Members
  • Guest Speaker: Pastor Xola Skosana: on “Interfaith consciousness in the face of rising phobias, especially xenophobia, and the way in which society deals with ‘the other’.” Pastor Skosana is the current chairman of the Western Cape Religious Leaders’ Forum

In order for you to renew your membership of CTII, or to become a member, your annual subscription of R150 will be received immediately prior to the start of the AGM. If you’re unable to attend the AGM, we will appreciate your renewal by electronic bank transfer. Our bank account details are:

Cape Town Interfaith Initiative, Standard Bank, Kromboom Branch, Br. Code 026209. Current Account number 270321357. Beneficiary reference : Your surname and Initials.

Thank you!
