Spirituality, Meditation & Yoga

A number of organisations are interfaith in nature, and do not promote any specific faith, but rather all faiths or universal spirituality.


Ananda Kutir Ashrama


About: Ananda Kutir Ashrama is a place of spirituality that is open to all people, including children, who wish to learn and practice the universal, and non-sectarian principles of Integral Yoga as taught by Swami Sivananda, and his disciple, Swami Venkatesananda. 
Integral Yoga enables one to lead a balanced, harmonious lifestyle which is conducive to peace of mind. Sri Swami Sivananda’s Integral Yoga consists of a unique, simple, practical and modern approach incorporating all the aspects of these traditional Yoga practices, including Raja Yoga (meditation, mental and spiritual development), Bhakti Yoga (Love of God through satsang), Karma Yoga (spiritualising daily life through ‘seva’ or selfless service), Jnana Yoga (Knowledge and Wisdom) and Hatha Yoga (physical postures with awareness).
Address: 24 Sprigg Road, Rondebosch East
Phone: +27 21 696 1821
Email: info@anandakutir.org.za
Web: www.anandakutir.org.za

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

About: The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, is a spiritual organisation that offers courses, programs and events to people of all traditions to reflect and contemplate on the spiritual nature of the self, the Divine and the spiritual principles of action.
At the heart of our teachings is a practical method of meditation, called Raja Yoga that helps individuals understand their inner qualities and strengths. It is our understanding that through self-knowledge we can develop a deeper sense of self-esteem, which becomes the anchor for inner stability through periods of uncertainty and change. These teachings and method of meditation acknowledges that the foundation for sustainable outer change is inextricably dependent on deep inner change.
Address: Harmony House, 7 Dunluce Avenue, Claremont                                    
Phone: +27 21 671 9972                                                                                            
Email: capetown@za.brahmakumaris.org                                                               
Web: www.brahmakumaris.org/southafrica