Thank you Mr Harry Wigget, for your reflections on the CTII Heritage Day Interfaith Bus Tour, which took place this year on the 25th September:
“I had the privilege of being part of the Cape Town Interfaith Heritage Day Bus Tour which included visits to the Baha’i Centre; the Quaker Peace Centre; the Claremont/Wynberg Synagogue; the Claremont Main Road Mosque; and the Brahma Kumaris Centre.
This took place on Sunday 25th September from 9.00a.m. – 3.30p.m. and was an inspiring experience, receiving wonderful warmth and hospitality at all these spiritual ports of call.
God’s children are truly wondrous in their diversity, a diversity reflecting something of the very wonder of God who is beyond our human understanding in His Omnipresent God-ness and His all-embracing and gracing Love-ness!
I believe all who were part of this tour would agree that wherever we went the common uniting factor was that we were all children of God responding to His love and presence in our lives and communities in ways that were very very real and relevant. And that we had places where, with a common mind and understanding, folk could meet to express their love for Him in acts of joyful community and worship.
I think we were all especially moved when Imam Rashied Omar in the Claremont Main Road Mosque prayed a most beautiful prayer for Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
And, another highlight worth mentioning: During his telling about the Claremont/Wynberg Synagogue, Rabbi Liebenberg emphasised that the most important buidling in Judaism is the HOME. Which brought to mind the times Jean and I have been invited to the Friday evening family Shabbat meal in Jewish friend’s homes….and confirmed a prayer and hope of mine that the time will come when all Christians will gather around their dining room tables on a Thursday evening with family and friends to Break Bread and Bless the Cup in remembrance of JESUS; the head of the family – mother or father, or host – presiding!
The Tour was an overall experience of the love and peace of God alive and flourishing in our stimulating diversity.”
28 September 2016