
In 2009, Vraja, Pratiba Daya, and Joan Shippey (pictured below) attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia. Here they presented the experience of the Parliament of the Word’s Religions in Cape Town in 1999, as part of a discussion of the future of this global event.

The Partner City Launch took place on the 5th December 2009, at the International Plenary, where the Cape Town delegates were presented with “a plaque” on stage with the other Legacy Partner and Host Cities. The Partner City network seeks to build and connect the inter-religious movement worldwide. Interested cities need to fill in a profile in order to be considered for the Partner Cities Network. If you would like to join this network – click here

Award Photo 1

This plaque is in the CTII office together with the picture of the three delegates. The Mayor was presented with a photograph of the CTII delegates receiving the plaque by Father John Oliver.