On Sunday 15 March 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered an unprecedented statement taking South Africa into a proactive, focused and committed effort to contain the Corona virus (Covid-19).
Cape Town Interfaith Initiative urges people of all faiths and none to fully enter into the spirit of the measures which are designed to minimise the effect of the virus, not out of fear but out of loving consideration for each other.
Helping means washing our hands and doing this:
- Greet with gestures such as the hand on the heart, or hands together in the “Namaste” greeting.
- CTII will hold meetings via zoom wherever possible, and will not host, attend or promote gatherings. To be reveiwed on 14 April 2020.
- Many places of worship are closing their doors during this time. CTII endorses the move to a different kind of pastoral care. For instance, there will be many children at home whose parents have to continue working. Where we can, let us reach out to help keep them safe, and all those who are vulnerable.
- If you can buy one extra sanitiser for someone who can’t afford it, please do. Such small gestures of kindness will profoundly affect the way we co-create our new world.
Social distancing has proven the most effective method for limiting the spread of viruses. Although we are a small organisation, we know that many small gestures of sincere effort create a culture of mindfulness and an environment of care.
We celebrate the gifts we still enjoy: the sun, the soil which supports our feet and produces food, water and the kindness, compassion and courage of the human spirit.
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:…a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 5
For Christians, Covid-19 has arrived in South Africa during the time of Lent, a sacred time of prayer and fasting.
Muslims are observing the holy month of Rajab, a time of deep respect for life and preparation for Ramadan.
The Baha’i community is observing their month of Fasting, an opportunity to align with the Will of God.
The Jewish community just celebrated Purim, a festival of deliverance.
Mid April this year, Christians will celebrate Easter and Jews will celebrate Pesach. This is a time of redemption, salvation, renewed life and renewed commitment to personal responsibility for how we choose to engage with life going forward.
CTII encourages a deepening of spiritual practice, with voluntary withdrawal into meditation, deep contemplation and thoughtfulness about our changing world and how we can support our planet and each other.
May peace prevail on Earth, and may it begin with us.