Inter/ Intra Faith Iftar at Ahlul Bait Mosque

The Inter/ Intra Faith Iftar was held in the recently completed Ahlul Bait Mosque complex. The fully carpeted mosque  complete with chandeliers and beautiful tiling is a sight to behold. It was a privilege to be present at this event. Over 300 people are fed here every night during Ramadan, in the dining space near the well equipped kitchen. The centre offers a library and numerous classrooms where lecturers teach free of charge on Saturdays to any pupils needing extra tuition, especially physics and maths. Doctors from the community offer free medical advice in the clinic availed to them. The centre offers ongoing activities and courses for young and old. The Charter for Compassion adorns the main  entrance also beautifully tiled. This complex is really worth a visit, and the community are so welcoming. – Mary Frost, CTII