On the 1st September, the Cape Town Interfaith initiative participated in a wonderful event held to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for creation as we start the Season of Creation.
The service started with words from the Laudato Si
“The poor and the Earth are crying out. Help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future” read by Rev Natalie- Simons Arendse, Deputy Chair of CTII.
The event was organised by the Green Anglicans, SAFCEI and CTII to bring together different faith communities to offer prayers of blessing for creation, and to call us to action in commitment to protecting and saving our precious Earth.
The service ended with a planting and blessing of a tree.
See what else happened for this special day all around the world: https://medium.com/@CathClimateMvmt/season-of-creation-begins-f885ecc4645f